Wednesday 31 December 2008

"You Can't Chat To Me About The High-Road, Back Then I Was Moving Psycho"

I don't know. New Year's always comes as a bit of an anti-climax. Building up for a new start, expectations of a new dawn. It never turns out like that though; a nasty hang-over and other fuckery that suggests the same as always.

Fuck it though. January 1st is just a day that follows 31st December; time's relentless move forward. I'm currently listening to Kano's This Is The Girl though so the disillusionment is slightly allieved. Remember when the tune adorned the front page of the 679 Recordings website? When Vectra used to play it so often that you thought 'London Town' would be the real deal?

Logan's show last Monday sums up '08 really. He may have had glazed eyes during his retrospective look on grime last year, I don't know. But remembering particular moments of last year perfectly, and then its start seeming like ages ago, is a bit odd. I feel a bit ashamed with my preoccupations of Rolex-sweeping, which eclipsed the brilliant Dark from early '08. I only forgot about the tune after deleting the radio rip because I played it about fifty times. Double S's Pot Of Gold nearly joined the annals of anonymity as well. That was a banger. And what happened to Skengman Mode? It was played on nearly every set early this year, only to then vanish like President T.

Anyway, a couple of token predictions for 2009. Might as well.

Double S may have had an alright year, but he's only been a big, recognisable name for just over twelve months. He has a good flow and similies, but most importantly he makes good songs. As a crew, Marvell seem to be moving as a more unified unit now, but he can still individually build on what he's done this year. There's been a few steps, but they're solid ones.

Wiley is a highly unoriginal choice, but the Manchester air is obviously doing him good, since everything he's touched recently has turned to gold. His flow is flawless, and his spitting is the best it's been for a while. The straining for the elusive, classic release must be a burden, but with recent signs, off the back of one of the best vocals of his career in Where's My Brother, there's abundant promise. 'Race Against Time' now has even bigger expectations.

Ice Kid is also an unoriginal shout. He's the wildcard of 2009; not yet complete, with more proof of his song-writing skills and work-rate needed, yet he has the raw skills and intensity that raise him above the large majority. It's about time he made his mark on the scene.

What are your predictions? Surely yours are more original and interesting than mine. The truth is it's half five in the morning and I'm pissed.

A Happy New Year to you all, and hopefully a good year for grime. Twelve months is a long time. Or is it?

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